[TYPO3-dev] RFC: Bug #6885 - Nested USER_INT, COA_INT, etc. objects are not rendered

Oliver Hader oh at inpublica.de
Tue Dec 4 20:34:02 CET 2007


Oliver Hader schrieb:
> something like this wasn't possible:
>   6 = COA_INT
>   6 {
>     10 = TEXT
>     10.value = FIRST,
>     20 = COA_INT
>     20 {
>       10 = TEXT
>       10.value = SECOND,
>       20 = COA_INT
>       20 {
>         10 = TEXT
>         10.value = THIRD,
>       }
>     }
>   }
> Please look at http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=6885 and give me some
> feedback. Thanks in advance for any "pre-review".

Just some annotations for those thinking that the example like shown
above doesn't make any sense: You're right, it doesn't! :)

Just a small use case:
* website with same content in the border column (colPos=3) on each page
* thus, own user caching for this column because editing one of this CEs
would result in cleaning the whole cache

10 {
  userFunc = tx_cacheext_pi1->main
  # renderObj could also be tt_content, COA just as example
  renderObj = COA
  renderObj {
    10 = USER
    10.userFunc = tx_myfirstext_pi1
    20 = USER
    20.userFunc = tx_mysecondext_pi1
    30 = USER_INT
    30.userFunc = tx_mythirdext_pi1

I hope this helps when you're thinking about this... ;)

Oliver Hader

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