[TYPO3-dev] Jedit Typoscript plugin released

Beat Takeshi beat-takeshi at gmx.net
Fri Feb 24 22:05:24 CET 2006

Matteo Anceschi schrieb:
> Hi all,
> Hoyt (plugin mantainer) has just upload this Jedit plugin: "Typoscript".
> Cut and paste:
> "The TypoScript plugin provides virtual filesystem support for loading 
> and editing the "setup" and "constants" templates within the TYPO3 CMS, 
> complete with a contributed edit mode allowing syntax highlighting. It 
> interfaces with TYPO3 using XML-RPC, so you will need to install the 
> jeditvfs extension in the TYPO3 backend (available from TER via the 
> Extension Manager)." (etc etc)
> I think this has absolutely to be tested! :) :)
> Someone uses it already? I think here there are a lot of jedit 
> supporters..uhm Karsten if I remember well? ;)
> Cheers,
> Matteo


This would be sooo great. Though I had hoped for some sort of eclipse 
integration to pop-up first... but anything is better than the 
html-textfields in the backend...

First impression of the jEdit Plugin (on jEdit 4.3pre3):

Seems to work, but:

*) Syntax Highlighting doesn't.
    (Needs jEdit Version 4.3pre4 which isn't released yet)

*) Although changelog says its fixed: Showed only one template per page.
    Since I collect all my TS-Templates in one SysFolder... the whole 
thing isn't of much use to me... :(

Must say I never used jEdit before, so please correct me if there's 
something I could have done wrong. Anyways this looks really promising 
and I'm looking forward to using it one day.


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