[Typo3-dev] Image Processing API - getting rid of IM

Michael Johnston mjohnston at planetactive.com
Sun Sep 19 21:04:16 CEST 2004

> I see two facts:
> Fireworks works on Windows only. Since I prefer other operating systems
> for running TYPO3, I cannot test this and won't be able to use finally.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but Fireworks is commercial software. This 
> would
> mean that _if_ I (or someone else) would implement this feature this 
> would
> only be accessible for users who paid for this software.
> That's no motivation, at least for me.
> On the other side I fully agree that we should get rid of ImageMagick. 
> There
> are other products like GraphicsMagick and the GD library.

For sure, I wouldn't suggest the fireworks engine as sole replacement 
for IM, but as an external add-on, particularly useful for shops whose 
designers already use Fireworks.

Then they could, for example, crop a chunk of graphic out of a layout, 
name the text object(s) dynamicText_1, etc, upload it to the fireworks 
server and point a FCE at it that has text fields dynamicText_1, etc.

This means no figuring out the typoscript to generate a graphic that 
has already been realized -- saves a whole significant step in the 
workflow. Plus they get the text anti-aliasing quality they are used 
to. All the filters & effects they want are attached to the text block 
in fireworks -- they don't have to be programmed. The only 
configuration necessary for the fireworks templates would be setting 
how they should crop/scale based on how tall/wide a text block ends up 
being after having dynamic text inserted.

Then when a graphic changes at 10pm Friday for a website with a 
Sunday-midnight launch, they don't need me to change it. That's a good 
thing, and one that I'm pretty sure I can convince them is worth buying 
a Fireworks license or two for ;) Selling the higher powers on spending 
my time to build the tool all by myself is a different story of course, 
so I'm looking for other interested parties.

Michael Johnston

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