[TYPO3-50-general] No backend on ubuntu server

"Christian Müller (Kitsunet)" christian at kitsunet.de
Wed Dec 15 10:46:25 CET 2010

hi Kevin,

/typo3/login should work fine, in fact I work on Phoenix with Ubuntu and 
have no problems with the rewriting. I have a "normal" vhost for it 
pointing to the /Web directory.
If I can point you to something you may contact me. If
http://<host>/index.php/typo3/login works for you I guess there is a 
problem with rewriting. I am pretty sure your mod_rewrite is not 
enabled. Could you check if it is?

TYPO3 v5 Core Team

On 15.12.2010 09:46, Kevin Walter wrote:
> Op 12/15/10 8:52 AM, Peter Beernink schreef:
>> Kevin Walter wrote:
>>> Still no luck yet,
>>> i made a new vhost for this one, it sets the document root to the Web
>>> directory of typo3 phoenix, and then made a serverAlias to name it, and
>>> changed my local host file to the server
>>> so no subdirectory's involved
>>> any idea's, if you need any configuration files from my pc (like
>>> httpd.conf or .htaccess or php.ini) just ask, nothing to hide, just want
>>> it to work :D
>> Hmm.. that's strange.
>> I also have a testing installation which is running on Ubuntu 10.04. On
>> that installation I have no problem on running Phoenix.
>> I'll go over the config files to see if I have anything specific
>> configured.
>> Do you have any specific php modules like xCache, eaccelerator or so
>> installed?
>> Peter
> Hi peter,
> I think its a rewrite problem,
> the thing is, when i click te backend link it goes too
> http://<host>/typo3/login
> but it needs to go to http://<host>/index.php/typo3/login
> here is a copy of my htaccess file, can you please take a look at it and
> maybe correct it
> /***************/
> #
> # FLOW3 context setting
> #
> # You can specify a default context by activating this option:
> # SetEnv FLOW3_CONTEXT Development
> # If the root path is not the parent of the Web directory, FLOW3's root
> path must be
> # specified manually:
> # SetEnv FLOW3_ROOTPATH /var/www/myapp/
> #
> # mod_rewrite configuration
> #
> <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
> # Enable URL rewriting
> RewriteEngine On
> # Set flag so we know URL rewriting is available
> # You will have to enable the following option and change the path if you
> # experience problems while your installation is located in a subdirectory
> # of the website root.
> #RewriteBase /
> # Stop rewrite processing no matter if a package resource, robots.txt
> etc. exists or not
> RewriteRule ^(_Resources/Packages/|robots\.txt|favicon\.ico) - [L]
> # Stop rewrite process if the path points to a static file anyway
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
> RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
> RewriteRule .* - [L]
> # Perform rewriting of persitent resource files
> RewriteRule ^(_Resources/Persistent/.{40})/.+(\..+) $1$2 [L]
> # Make sure that not existing resources don't execute FLOW3
> RewriteRule ^_Resources/.* - [L]
> # Continue only if the file/symlink/directory does not exist
> RewriteRule (.*) index.php
> </IfModule>
> ErrorDocument 500 "<h1>Application Error</h1><p>The FLOW3 application
> could not be launched.</p>"

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