[TYPO3-50-general] RFC: Improved Shorthand Syntax

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Wed Oct 21 15:00:52 CEST 2009

Bastian Waidelich schrieb:
> But take this example:
> {post.title | f:format.crop(maxChars: 30) | f:format.nl2br()}
> For me, it wouldn't be clear, which view helper is called first - and it
> would make a big difference here.

I don't speak Arab or Hebrew ;)

> With:
> {post.title -> f:format.crop(maxChars: 30) -> f:format.nl2br()}
> the order seems to be more explicit.

Better than Robert's suggestion

{post.title << f:format.crop(maxChars: 30) << f:format.nl2br()}

Which for me suggest to put the content from nl2br() to crop() and to assign it to title :)


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