[TYPO3-50-general] just to argue a bit: What about Doctrine?

Bastian Waidelich bastian at typo3.org
Sun Nov 8 14:03:33 CET 2009

Fernando Arconada wrote:

Hi Fernando,

> I only want to know, Why the TYPO3/FLOW3 solution (of course i'm only 
> talking about ORM) it is better than Doctrine?

You can't really compare the two, cause those are two different approaches.
You use doctrine as abstraction on top of your relational data and fetch 
objects with a (very nice) query language.
The TYPO3CR uses a relational database as storage backend too, but you 
as a developer won't have to deal with it most of the time. Instead, you 
handle entities just like any other PHP object.
That is a great advantage because it diminishes the mental gap between 
data and business logic.
Another great possibility of a content repository is, that it allows you 
to build in features like localization and versioning at a very low 
level - so, that the developer doesn't have to care about it anymore - 
See http://tr.im/Ew7j (PDF) for some more arguments for CR over ORM.

But I agree, an ORM like doctrine has a lot of advantages too. E.g. you 
can work with "legacy" or 3rd party data (though that'll be possible 
with FLOW3 too at some point)

> Why dont integrate Doctrine?

Yes, why not? ;)
AFAIK Sebastian made use of doctrine for his first FLOW3 project when 
the TYPO3CR was not as stable.

> Our babies are always the most beautiful and we are very proud of them. 
> But really we are doing all better than other frameworks?

I know that Robert and Karsten are observing other projects closely and 
my experience is, that in FLOW3 no decision is taken thoughtlessly and 
almost none is set in stone.
Incidentally, the TYPO3CR is a port of JSR-170 / JSR-283 so it's not 
really our baby (though Karsten is making a good daddy and he is member 
of the JSR-283 expert group).


BTW: Robert just joined the "PHP Library Interoperability Standards 
group" (http://tr.im/E5Fv)

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