[TYPO3-50-general] Last minute concept fix? Incosistent class naming for domain models ...

Sebastian KurfŸürst sebastian at typo3.org
Thu May 28 11:06:25 CEST 2009

Hi Robert,

> What we therefore could do is agree on that a model must be called like
> "BlogModel" = we add a "Model" suffix. The conventions for the rest can
> then be discussed at a later point in time.

Sorry, but I have some arguments against this ;-)

- we explain to people that our domain models are just POPOs - and now 
we tell them "it's POPOs with a "Model" suffix in the name"
- to me, the "Blog" object is kinda the "heart" of the domain, and then 
there is an associated Validator and a Repository - so  that's why I 
think the sorter names for the objects themselves are better.
- I think the "Blog" model is more than just the domain object - the 
validator belongs to it as well.

I just tried out how it looks to have a 
F3\BlogExample\Domain\Model\BlogModel which has multiple 
F3\BlogExample\Domain\Model\PostModel's inside, and I think that's a bit 
strange... Actually there are multiple Posts inside a Blog, but still it 
is just one Post Model.

I really don't just want to give arguments against it, but I hope you 
see my point :-)

Greets from Dresden,

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