[TYPO3-50-general] Last minute concept fix? Incosistent class naming for domain models ...

Robert Lemke robert at typo3.org
Thu May 28 10:48:35 CEST 2009

Hi Sebastian,

On 28.05.2009, at 10:39, Sebastian KurfŸürst wrote:

> Do you have an example what a typical Domain\Service would do?

Domain Services could be

   a) resource oriented services (BlogModel has a BlogService)
   b) aggregated services (PageTreeservice compiles a collection of  

> Anyway: AFAIK we do not force people to use Domain\Model, do we? And
> they could also use further subpackages if it makes sense to their  
> domain.

Yes, the only convention we currently have implemented regarding  
models is
that the name of a repository is $modelName . 'Repository'.

What we therefore could do is agree on that a model must be called like
"BlogModel" = we add a "Model" suffix. The conventions for the rest can
then be discussed at a later point in time.


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