[TYPO3-50-general] Questions about FLOW3

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Thu Mar 26 15:17:14 CET 2009

Nino Martincevic schrieb:
>> You seem to think that no code can be reused anywhere. I wish you all
>> the time of the world to reinvent the wheel again and again.
> Is this a serious answer or just irony I don't seem to detect as those?
> It would be interesting to know on which data your assertion is based...

In itself the answer is serious. The wish expresses a bit of irony.

> I don't know how long your software development track is but do you think 
> it really works most of the time?
> Then why there is always more than one solution/app for one issue or problem?
> Why there are so many MVC frameworks, CMS and other systems that all do
> the same thing, instead of reusing code?

Because developers like to code and creating frameworks is for some
reason the "wet dream" of many developers. Besides that there are
different approaches (and programming languages) to build such a framework.

> Perhaps because everyone knows HOW to do something but is not satisfied
> with the implementation or does not want to reuse already existing stuff
> because he doesn't trust it?

Yes, additionally to my claim above.

> Have you always reused your code, classes or whatever or was it just your 
> knowledge and experience about how to solve it?


> Some protocols and standards are successful, yes.

Fine that we agree here.

> But apps come and go, so do implementations of already known problems and ideas.
> That's the flow of the world. Some call it evolution.
> Do you have found the holy grail to avoid that?


> Even now after 15 or so posts nobody could answer my simple question
> on the implementation and benefit of such a generic address type.

Speaking from experience I found using tt_address in real world TYPO3
installations useful. Often I could deploy it without any change,
sometimes I had to add only a few fields or minor features.

This is what I expect from a FLOW3 Address package. A robust
implementation of the most common requirements found in web applications
(mostly: CMS and shops) to build on.

> This has nothing to do with ideas or misunderstandings, it's critical thinking
> about a problem, If I'm wrong with my assumptions or there is a useful and
> reviseable solution to a problem I won't have a problem to accept it.


With kind regards,

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