[TYPO3-50-general] Questions about FLOW3

Nino Martincevic don at zampano.com
Tue Mar 24 18:59:23 CET 2009

Hi Timo!

privat at timohummel.com wrote:
>> Or you might create a web application only framework.
>> It would deal with the issues that are needed to build a web
>> application. And nothing more.
> The problem is mainly to define: "What is a web application"? Is it an  
> application which delivers HTML output with user interface elements to  
> a webserver, or is it a bit more "universal", which supports web  
> services also? My goal is to have an application framework. Thus I  
> decided to go on with the JerryMouse project in order to have a  
> working prototype and eventually one or more projects built on top on  
> the JerryMouse framework, so that there is a real implementation to  
> discuss on.

I illustrated this in my previous most.
IMHO it is something like this:
"General frameworks should help in the fields that are NOT part of the
real applications (or domains), like ACL, Auth, Templating, MVC, i18n,
Databases, web services. All the technical stuff.
There's enough space for them to grow, being optimized and successful."

Everything that isn't part of the application (or better business 
domain) itself. A good and flexible application can and should be 
independent of most of that stuff anyway. It may and will use it but 
also could any other vendor outside the framework. (Because every 
framework has weak points I sometimes use many ones for one app, just 
the best of all)

> It's not a question if they need it - it's rather a question if it  
> "Kanton" there. Some countries don't have ZIP codes; but you are  
> required to enter a ZIP code virtually everywhere. I don't say that a  
> full fledged address object needs to be in the FLOW3 core; I just want  
> to illustrate the fact that there is indeed a need for such classes.

Full ACK on first (address) part.
But why is that the responsibility of a framework?
Isn't it the core work of the developer.

I gave you example where you can and should treat addresses different.

Think the other way: if one day a framework will have all the templates, 
plugins and addon for solving every business case - well, then you'll 
get unemployed ;-)


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