[TYPO3-50-general] RFC: Short filenames

Denyer Ec denyerec at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 11:07:21 CET 2009

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 9:50 AM, Nino Martincevic <don at zampano.com> wrote:

> And if I use Flow3 as a framework I should follow its conventions to
> make my life easier. But only to use it as a framework.
> But, big big BUT: my real (core) domain follows the conventions my
> experts, clients, business and me and all my developers *speak* and
> understand.

I'm a little confused (Isn't it obvious? :)) I think I understand that
one would want the core "business logic" to be theoretically
completely platform agnostic, using completely decoupled interfaces at
every opportunity so that you could, potentially, change the
foundation without having to rewrite the actual application parts.
Would it be fair to say then that relying on a filesystem heirarchy is
in some senses closely coupling the application to the framework?  If
that were the case, would we avoid it by telling our own code where to
find its own files, rather than relying on any conventions? (EG
explicitly telling one class where it can find the files for another)
That would seem to make things independant of the framework's filing
convention, but would also introduce a coding overhead, no? Further it
would mean that each FLOW3 project could potentially be completely
different to the next in terms of structure. Whether or not that is a
good or bad thing is way beyond my paygrade!

I may be on completely the wrong track here, so please correct me!


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