[Flow] Gerrit confusion - Surf

Karsten Dambekalns karsten at typo3.org
Mon Nov 10 09:30:24 CET 2014

Hi Masi.

On 06.11.2014, at 13:16, Martin Kutschker <masi-20l4 at typo3.org> wrote:
> It seems to me that quite a few patchsets are interconnected and not based on master. For my example means that even cherry-picking will not help. I have now issues with files being created unrelated to the patch (that are not yet in master).

In Gerrit, you either have standalone changes (only one commit dealing with a certain change) or you have dependencies.

If those dependencies are on the same project, they are just commits that are based on each other. Thus you can use “checkout” on the topmost change and get the exact state the developer of that change pushed. You can of course also cherry-pick all the changes in the right order. Using “checkout” works also for single-commit changes, of course. Comes in handy to review in case of merge conflicts you don’t want to solve. ;) To rebase a change (or set of changes) just cherry-pick on master or rebase the checkout. There is even a button for this in gerrit.

Branches are rather for long-running development, changes in gerrit are for reviewing only. Thus they should not be long-lived.


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