[TYPO3-windows] Typo3 Backend 500 Server Error AfterUpgradingtoT3 4.3.1 on Windows 2008 IIS7 (Pim Broens - Redkiwi)

Pim Broens - Redkiwi broens at redkiwi.nl
Mon Jan 25 09:27:00 CET 2010

> Our PHP installation is the default as it was downloaded from the main
> php.net site.  The link referenced from the bug tracker is not in
> and I am unsure on what to try next?

Ah, but the link is in dutch, and that's my specialty!
Just a quick summary:

"To speed up a website on the Byte server we did a little modification
on the php5 installation. To reduce the number of lookups via Lstat
we've used the 'realpath() implementation of Suhosin [1]' and did a few
clever modifications based on this method. We've had to give in on some
functionality (that's not being used) but in return gained a 40% speed

On of he comments is replying saying that they have the same problem on
a TYPO3 installation as you're having. But no conclusive answer in

I noticed Michiel Roos in the comments as well, and I know he's around
this mailing list once in a while, maybe he can shed some light? Cause
I'm not quit sure on what to undertake next, sorry mate.

Good luck!

[1] http://www.hardened-php.net/suhosin/a_feature_list:realpath.html

Kind regards,
Pim Broens
Certified TYPO3 Integrator

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