[TYPO3-windows] Install problems

Rainer (Rene) Suthoelder t3 at boswel-remove-me.de
Mon Feb 6 00:08:39 CET 2006

Morten Fjord wrote:
> And thanks for your respons.
> I have already read large amounts af post on the malinglists, the
> wiki, and google groups, so this is kinda my last resort :-(. We do
> agree that it's some kind of permission problem (I guess), but even
> if I grant IUSR, IWAM and Network Services full access to the site,
> it does not work (actualy it just makes more errors in the login
> screen).

you already tried this, right:

This Howto is a summary of the stuff found all over the Internet to get
Typo3. I spent so much time getting it up and running and I hope this
will save you a lot of time. I assume you are familiar with the
configuration of IIS.

Configure IIS (application pool)
1. Create an application pool especially for the Typo3 website
2. Edit the properties of the new application pool and change the
identity to local system (it's less secure but it's the only solution
for now)

Configure IIS (typo3 website)
Edit the properties of the Typo3 website.
1. On the tab directory create a new application under application setting
2. Assign the just created application pool to application pool
3. Check if the execute permissions are script and executables

Actions on CMD.exe
1. Copy CMD.exe from c:\windows\system32 to c:\windows\system32\inetsrv
2. Assign Read & execute permissions to the IUSR_....


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