Re [Typo3-UG UK] tt_news

Adrian Yeeles a.yeeles at
Mon Jul 28 18:13:14 CEST 2003


> you will see the selected news twice !

> "search, latest" does the trick...

Not when I look at it: there are still two copies of the news story.

What's happening is this:

1    You click a link in the news story latest list to see the full 
news story;

2   Typo looks to see which page to display it on - in your set up, you 
use the same page, 40.

3    Typo looks for tt_news elements to insert the single story into. 
You've got two - "SEARCH" and "LATEST" - but this doesn't bother Typo - 
it goes ahead and inserts the story into BOTH instances and so you end 
up with two copies of the same story on the page!

I'm not sure whether his should be described as a bug or not: if you 
<emp>only</emp> have a search, the results are displayed via the search 
element itself, and if you <emp>only</emp> have LATEST, clicking one of 
the links means single news items can also be displayed (on the same 

So, one way to solve your problem is to display single news stories on 
a new page - using "SINGLE" as the code there. That will fix it.

Btw you seem to be using the old news template - have you got the 
latest Typo installed?



Adrian Yeeles
Technical Director, Synergy

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