[TYPO3-UG US] Drupal vs. TYPO3

Dennis Shewmaker dshewmaker at promission.net
Mon May 11 00:23:16 CEST 2009

Zachary Davis, Cast Iron Coding LLC wrote:
> We regularly get clients who have been told by their colleagues, 
> acquaintances, etc that they should be looking at Drupal for their CMS 
> needs, and we end up trying to convince them that TYPO3 is a better fit. 
> I expect this happens to the rest of you as well on occasion.

We just had this happen for the first time.  I installed and compared 
and couldn't see a reason to use Drupal instead of TYPO3.  I happened to 
be in Boston when they had a Drupal conference 2 years ago and I 
honestly couldn't figure out why it was so popular.

I think we can all agree on one thing... building on an open source 
platform instead of your own custom web CMS is the way to go whether it 
is Drupal, Joomla, (insert your favorite) or my favorite, TYPO3.  It is 
a great thing to have choices.  Back in 2000 you didn't have much to 
choose from.

What we do is an assessment of what the organization really needs before 
even thinking about the technology and then see which application best 
fits.  This reduces the 'If you have a hammer everything looks like a 
nail' approach.  Our customers don't usually care as long as they have 
the features they want in a website.  TYPO3 is more like a tractor that 
you can attach different implements on rather than a hammer in my 
opinion though. So it works for most everything plus our company doesn't 
have to learn yet another CMS.


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