[TYPO3-UG US] The easiest way to erase all page cache for RealURL

Finees Mendez fineesmendez at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 30 00:47:08 CET 2008

you just need a quick way to flush/purge/clear/delete all of the
ReaURL's Speaking URLs for every page, especially when you change page
names, install new extensions, etc. Here are two ways to easily
accomplish this process.


In Typo3 backend:

1) Select "Info" from the Left Panel's "Web Module", 

2) Select the very top page of your page tree from the Middle Panel

3) In the main panel, select "Speaking Url Management" from the drop menu at the top

4) Select "ID-to-path mapping" from the next lower drop menu

5) And select "Infinite" from the next lower drop menu

6) Lastly, select the very top (first) trash can icon  from table, next to the "pagepath:" column

7) Accept the pop-up's warning for deleting all "page path urls" for the entire page tree


With direct access to database:

1) Force complete RealURL flush:

TRUNCATE `tx_realurl_chashcache` ;
TRUNCATE `tx_realurl_errorlog` ;
TRUNCATE `tx_realurl_pathcache` ;
TRUNCATE `tx_realurl_redirects` ;
TRUNCATE `tx_realurl_uniqalias` ;
TRUNCATE `tx_realurl_urldecodecache` ;
TRUNCATE `tx_realurl_urlencodecache` ;

2) Clear the Real URL page cache:

delete from tx_realurl_pathcache;
update pages set tx_realurl_pathsegment = title;
update pages set tx_realurl_pathsegment = nav_title where nav_title != '';

Either method should produce the desired results. I actually prefer
running all of these commands when clearing the cache. Its a sure way
to know cache has been removed!

Any suggestions? Improvements?!

Thanks. Finees.


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