[TYPO3-UG US] IT Manager's Journal | Dana Farber turns toTYPO3 and Enomaly for cancer-research site

Marc Infield marc at infielddesign.com
Mon Mar 13 19:54:47 CET 2006

If you are getting positive press that is not accurate you have to  
expect comment, it is unrealistic to expect to be given the benefit  
of the doubt without an explanation.

It could be the reporter is at fault. Reporters get facts wrong all  
the time. That's what retractions and corrections are for. But it is  
assumed the reporter faithfully recounted "facts" as presented to him/ 
her in a press release or other format. If the information in the  
article had been negative, rather than positive, towards someone in  
the community, I'm sure we would all agree it was important to set  
the record straight.

I think people should cut Alex some slack. Weather you agree or  
disagree with his tone he has donated a lot time and has been doing a  
lot of grunt work which we all benefit from. And if he expects  
accuracy from the rest of the community that's great. To me it sounds  
like what Kasper would want is accuracy, and I'm cool with that.


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