[TYPO3-UG US] Still no End-User manual in english

Dimitri Tarassenko mitka at mitka.us
Tue Dec 20 19:02:54 CET 2005


On 12/20/05, Christopher <bedlamhotel at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've got about 12-16 pages of 'how to' stuff, quickly put together a
> month or two ago, that I have permission to contribute. I'll have to
> edit out some custom features, it assumes the use of the TV Page
> module, and I don't claim it's polished, but it may form a good
> starting point--if the approach we took to BE training suits the team.
> I can perhaps strip out the custom stuff and give it  a once over this
> evening if you're interested?

I'd be VERY interested, thanks.

Also on the subject - we are currently building a Knowledge base of
small articles (like "How to create a new page?") for our CMS product
based off MDPro codebase - this is kind of a chaotic process which is
usually triggered by the same question asked over and over in the
support ticket system. That is in addition to the Editor Manual we
have developed internally for this thing. The technology is pretty
much if we see the same question asked twice in our support system
(Kayako) we develop a KnowledgeBase article (also handled by Kayako).

Has anyone been doing something like this for TYPO3 and if yes, would
be interested in sublicensing/pooling the resources together? I've
seen Marlies Cohen's
http://www.mcuniverse.com/Typo3_Tutorials.typo3.0.html (great work, by
the way) but there are some licensing issues there I believe.

Dimitri Tarassenko

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