[TYPO3-UG US] Status of TYPO3.us

Alex Heizer alex at tekdevelopment.com
Sat Dec 17 09:22:16 CET 2005

Hi Greg,

sorry, I re-read your post and realised you were asking an either/or 
question with 2 parts, rather than a single question about doing it that 
way rather than with TV. I wasn't trying to be flip, just tired... :)

I think both ways would be valid. pure-TS would truly be hardcore, but I 
don't know how many people use that in a practical sense. I think it 
should be in there, definitely, but I don't know to what extent, since 
most of the sites I've seen use an HTML template and CSS along with a TS 
setup, and a pure-TS setup only takes what is in the external files and 
allows you to get rid of the files themselves. You still need the HTML 
and CSS code, even with the pure-TS setup. The important thing is to 
show how T3 handles templates and creating functionality with TS, and my 
impression is a TS/HTML/CSS setup shows a lot of the basic foundation 
for building a website (a la the original GoLive tutorial), and a 
pure-TS setup just takes the HTML and incorporates it internally. But 
including a pure-TS setup in the documentation would certainly provide 
additional information for those who don't want to use external 
templates. I honestly don't know how beneficial it would be to include, 
outside of providing a more solid TS foundation, but the project's 
supposed to help people gain a solid foundation of how T3 works on an 
administration level... So that's a good question.

Any opinions, anyone?


p.s. My opinion would be to start the foundation with the TS/HTML/CSS 
system, then add the extras that a pure-TS setup would have, then later 
the automake, and TV ways. :)

Alex Heizer wrote:

>Hi Greg,
>Gregory Remington wrote:
>>Alex Heizer wrote:
>>>The consensus about the Learning TYPO3 project is, and always was, to
>>>teach people how to properly make a site in TYPO3 so that they have a
>>>solid foundation... This means, learning from the
>>>ground up how to create a site using TypoScript.
>>Does this mean we use only TS or a combination/seperation of TS, 
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