extender campo de resultado en extensión fesearchintables

teide3718@eresmas.com teide3718 at eresmas.com
Fri Mar 9 10:48:13 CET 2007

Necesito extender el campo resultado en la extensión "fesearchintables".
Mi problema, corte de datos en campo telephone. Devuelve esto "Telefono: 111111111
EXT 111 y 2" y quiero que devuelva esto "Telefono: 111111111 EXT 111 y
Mi fichero ext_typoscript_setup.txt es este:
plugin.tx_fesearchintable_pi1 {
debugRecordFields = 0
CMD = {$plugin.tx_fesearchintable_pi1.CMD}

Limit = {$plugin.tx_fesearchintable_pi1.Limit}
backLink = 0
backWrap = <div align="center">|</div>

form = FORM
form.dataArray {
10.label.data =
10.label.wrap = |:
10.type = sword=input,30
20.type = submit=submit
20.value.data =
form.type = {$plugin.tx_fesearchintable_pi1.resultsPID}
form.locationData = 1
form.layout = <td>###LABEL###</td><td> ###FIELD###</td>
form.labelWrap.wrap = <strong>|</strong>  
form.stdWrap.wrap = <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4"
form.wrapFieldName = tx_fesearchintable_pi1[|]

searchAdditionalPiVarsWrap =  with | as  

searchTables {

### Usuarios FE-> fe_users###
fe_users = 1
fe_users.name = Usuarios
fe_users.fields = name,telephone,email,city
fe_users.pidList = 11
fe_users.recursive = 
fe_users.selectAdditionalParams = 
fe_users.listHeader = COA
fe_users.listHeader {
10 = TEXT
10.value = Contactos
10.wrap = <h3 style="background-color:#FFCC66;
color:white; padding: 4px">|</h3>
fe_users.listItem = COA
fe_users.listItem {
stdWrap.wrap = <li>|</li>
10 = TEXT
10.field = name
10.wrap = <strong>Contacto: </strong><strong
20 = TEXT
20.field = telephone
30 = TEXT
30.field = email
30.space = 1|1
40 = TEXT
40.field = city
40.space = 1|1
fe_users.listStdWrap.wrap = <ol
fe_users.singleView = COA
fe_users.singleView {
10 = TEXT
10.field = name
10.wrap = <h3>|</h3><br>
20 = TEXT
20.field = telephone
20.wrap = |<br><br>
results {
// stdWrap functions
headerWrap.wrap = <em>|</em><br>
displayingWrap.wrap = |<br>
keywordsWrap.fontTag = <font color="Red">|</font>
tableListWrap.wrap = <ul>|</ul>
tableListItemWrap.wrap = <li>|</li>

Aguna idea.
José Ramón Martín Magdalena

Martín Magdalena, José Ramón 

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