[Typo3-UG Dutch] New version of Direct Mail | Translation

Andrea Leutgoeb andrea_leutgoeb at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 29 11:27:02 CEST 2004

Hey guys!

During the work on my diploma thesis, I extended the Direct Mail
extension. Beyond the present features, my version also contains
functions for statistical analysis of sent mails and recipients like
personalized analysis of click throughs, recipient behavior,
subscriptions etc. It’s only implemented in English and German right
now, so before adding it to the extension repository, I wanted to ask if
there was a need of a Dutch version (unfortunately I don’t speak Dutch).
So if anybody is interested and wants to contribute (that means
translation of a list of labels from English/German to Dutch), just get
in contact with me and I will give you more information.

Best wishes from Austria,

University of Applied Sciences Hagenberg/Austria
Mediatechnology and -Design

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