[Typo3-UG Australia] chit chat

Bernie (VRgrafix) bernie at vrgrafix.com.au
Thu Jun 17 04:55:02 CEST 2004

G'day Paul

> Yes. I am hoping it's only growing. 
Well I can see that Typo will certainly grow with market acceptance -the 
lacking "feature" i see now is not a lack of features per se - but a 
simplified approach to developing multiple websites - or more 
importantly PORTING existing non DB websites into full dynamic CMS 
websites. For this I've been attempting to find a backend (Like Typo) 
that I might push more website specific work..

BTW - I'm more of a graphics person (An architect by trade actually) 
that a coder / programmer. I've done a fair bit of work working with a 
company that developed Dynamic back end systems for Defence (Army, Navy, 
RAAF) etc. I basically made the std imagary - they made the backend.

So I've seen what it can do (And their system was awsome) but obviously, 
expensive. ( see http://www.compucraft.com.au ) - yes. ASP I know ;) yuk..

>But this has been a quiet list.
Well, lets see if we can make it active ;)

 > I see Typo3 is very big in Europe.
As are a lot of software applications. They obviously have a lot of time 
on their hands over there ;)

> It's strenght lies in it's Internet community. 
Absolutely. There is a lot to be said for OSS - eg I use Thunderbird and 
Firebird (Highly reccomend both) has it hands down on IE and outlook.. 
Its a terrific concept and it does serve to bring ppl together and 
discuss features vs wishing for them. :)

> Sure sounds like you work in an interesting place.
haha. Interesting yes. Busy - yes. I'm a consultant too really. I like 
to diversify - hence I'm a jack of all trades. But your right in saying 
that no one person can know it all. I'm struggling as it is ;) I do 
architecture "by day" and 3d photomontages / webpages / graphics at 
night these days.

 > I sometimes think it'd be nice to work within a company
the daily work env is nice with more than one person around (I did 3 
years solo and one tends to go round the bend somewhat) ;)

> make my own company of dedicated professionals in the Web/eCommerce arena, if I'm successful enough. I think nowadays, a lot of success depends on building good associations with other experts.
Its a fundamental way in today's society to have a conglomerate of 
smaller companies vs one large one. I function like that myself. 
Associate companies also helps you diversify your portfolio and gain 
larger jobs at the the same time.

> Well, no FreeBSD is another thread of Free Unix OSs.
ahh - Ic. thanks for that ! :)

Might I ask then paul - what it is you do ? (url ?)



day contract job: (did the website too - sadly in need of updating in 
both cases :/

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