[TYPO3-translators] mbviralmail

Dmitry Dulepov dmitry.dulepov at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 11:52:50 CEST 2011


Andreas Becker wrote:
> "Pay somebody" - sorry that I am loud start laughing. Why should I pay
> somebody if our team is doing the job???

Think of it. A translator can either work for a client for money or spend 
this time working for free for translation. Suppose, you have children, 
wife and a house with rent. What would you choose: paid or free work? Most 
would choose paid work.

> The problem is right now that even a
> payed Developer what should he actually do? Break the passwords to donate
> his translations?

That is already answered below: just ask to join the team.

> If this current translator has not the time to translate than he should
> simply be so fair to let others do the job like he should do in this
> position!

That's why we have many translators for each language (especially for German).

> i.e. as you are talking from "payment"
> we could setup a translation server, get some translators working here at
> our location and resell the translations to the community

And anybody can put the online because of GPL. But you can sell results of 
your work, yes. You only can't stop people from putting it online.

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core&security team member
E-mail: dmitry.dulepov at typo3.org
Web: http://dmitry-dulepov.com/

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