[TYPO3-translators] "Inline" translation idea...

Stig Nørgaard Færch stig at 8620.dk
Mon Jun 2 14:45:56 CEST 2008

Vladimir Shevnin skrev:
> Stig Nørgaard Færch пишет:
>> I have thought about a the possibility to translate extensions 
>> "inline". The idea is that you go into a "extension translation mode", 
>> so when you mouse is hovering over a text area, a box will open with a 
>> field where you can type the translation of the selected language.
>> To do this we could wrap each text field(only in this translation 
>> mode) with a span tag with a mouseover javascript function.
> Superb! But i think this is too complex task...

Too complex for who? :-)
I actually don't think it would be that complicated.
Every time you get a text a method is called which returns the text in 
the right language.
So my idea is to make this method wrap the text with a span tag with 
some mouseover JS.
Something like this example:
But either opening a new window for translating, or something cool AJAX 
stuff(which I don't know much about yet).

> As a variant this could 
> be realised as "screenshot" mode (in HTML) showing BE or FE without 
> actual functionality.

I don't know what you mean without actual functionality - how would you 
disable functionality?


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