[TYPO3-translators] ext translation system

Krystian Szymukowicz t33kRE.MO.VE. at RE.MO.VE.prolabium.com
Sat May 19 14:22:15 CEST 2007

Michael Shigorin wrote:
> On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 03:46:51PM +0200, Krystian Szymukowicz wrote:
>> If you think you volunteer so much and there is NO OTHER WAY
>> you can help you may just sit down and wait for better
>> translation system.
> Krystian, I know a tiny bit of what Andreas actually did and fail
> to recall what *you* did.

We are talking in the scope of translation voluntereeing. If I'am saying 
"If you think you volunteer so much" then I have only efforts for 
translations in mind. I do not know what else did Andreas for the 
community - it is not important in this scope. So the message was: if 
Andreas do not like the idea of collecting money and he thinks only 
voluntereenig is the way of helping then maybe the best solution for him 
is just to be silent instead of posting such dismotivating posts and do 
not propose anything as an real alternative.

Why his post dismotivate people?

First of all he is discouraging people to collect money - he is trying 
to convince them that their help is not needed at all because the 
translation tools is something they deserve and that this is something 
"sick" to help to create such tool by translators themselves.
Again - if he doesn't like the idea he may just do nothing and just 
observe if the sponsoring will be success or not.

Secondly his statment is not motivating developers at all. It sounds 
like "code better translation tools - you own me that for all the 
translations I did". I think no developers would like to volunteer under 
such pressure.

> JFYI, not everyone who worked on TYPO3 translations earned money
> that way.  We're using it for a stack of community sites.

I did almost so many volunteer sites as commercial. My first sites was 
vounteer and first translations either.

> PS: http://www.red-bean.com/dav/presentations/PoisonousPeople.pdf

That's for me I think. I went through all the presentation. Can you 
please copy and paste here the parts that applies to me? Maybe I will 
learn something about the style I post.
Take under consideration that I started this topic with willing to help 
and create something. It was Andreas who posted as: "Willing to 
complain, but not help fix anything" (from the pdf presentation).


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