[TYPO3-team-templavoila] RFC #15063: Introduce seperate ajax responder to handle d&d calls

Tolleiv.Nietsch info at tolleiv.de
Wed Jul 14 22:53:42 CEST 2010

Am 14.07.2010 09:37, schrieb Nikolas Hagelstein:
> Ok, as mentioned before i'll come up with something by friday.


> BTW: have you thought about adding some kind of automatic testing e.g.
> selenium or something?.

Yes I thought about that but due to the lack of time this didn't happen 
so far. I was also thinking about to but a "tiny" TYPO3 instance on 
AOE's internal Hudson so run them regularly but that's also just in the 
planning phase ;)

> IMHO porting stuff to ExtJS won't be that easy anyway. A few months ago
> i spend some hours researching how tv drang n drop could be ported to
> ExtJS.
> It seems as if ExtJS has a mighy api to create highlevel gui elements
> but lacks a bit of lowlevel things comparable to scriptacolous sortables.
> But things might have changed meanwhile and i have to admit that i not
> really in that ExtJS thing. Probably there is different concept.

I've exactly the same impression. Once in a while I look into ExtJS and 
every time anything besides default GUI looks overcomplicated :/
But if every content-element would be wrapped into an "invisible" ExtJs 
container the D&D might be easier - at least it looks easy if you check 
these examples: http://examples.extjs.eu/

But due to "promised" TYPO3 4.2 compatibility this can't happen in 1.5 
anyways - so there's enough time to play with that.

Tolleiv Nietsch
www.tolleiv.de - www.aoemedia.de

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