[TYPO3-team-templavoila] Templa-Firewall

Niels Fröhling niels.froehling at adsignum.com
Wed May 27 18:45:46 CEST 2009


I just had the need for flexform-field fine-grained access-control, and I know 
there was the Templa-Firewall project from you AOE guys.

How is the state of the project? How does it work? Can it be used to blind 
specific fields for specific users? Please tell us a bit and I think maybe we 
all are sort of interested in how something like fine-grained access-control (in 
a "to-be-defined" way) can be integrated.

My personal opinion is that flexform-DS itself as-is should be enhanced by an 
access-tag. I don't think the be_users/be_groups should be trashed with 5 mil. 
flexform access-options.
My argument is, that there are not that much DSs around that really need to be 
restricted at any time. I don't really see that the flexforms for plug-in 
configuration for example become excessively access-tagged.
Another aspect is that DSs are much more probable to enter and leave the 
T3-setup than roles or users; eliminating DSs and their integrated 
access-information will leave much less traces in the system than the other way 
around (DS-info in be_users/be_groups, hell it would almost be DS-duplication, 
250k per be_user/be_group?).

As such I do believe it would be good to have a general flex-control-center in 
Typo3, where you can consult, extend and modify the identifyable <T3Flexform>, 
including setting access-rights. The one big problem is the missing knowledge 
about intra-field dependencies ...

My 5 penc :)


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