[TYPO3-hci] amount and frequency of changes in BE

Susanne Moog typo3 at susannemoog.de
Fri Feb 4 23:17:08 CET 2011

Hi Silke,

I'm going to answer only a small part of your very long mail:

On 04.02.2011 18:42, Silke Arend wrote:
> I was just wondering why the changes in MS Office, which are clearly a
> negative example, are mentioned to defend the changes in the backend. 
Your "clearly" negative example isn't clear for me at all, I love the
changes in MS Office - it took me a while getting used to them but for
me at least it's a lot easier and simpler to use now, so I'd say that's
only a clear negative example for some people...

> - The rearrangement of the context menu in the pagetree: new, cut, copy
> and delete are now grouped as "page actions", show, edit, info, disable
> and history not, but they concern page actions as well.

All four second level operations (new, cut, copy and delete) can be done
with drag and drop in the new pagetree. Drag and drop is easier and
faster than using the context menu. And as those operations are
available via drag and drop they don't have to clutter the first level
context menu (BTW I heard a lot of positive things about the cleaner
context menu, so this is - again - a matter of taste).



What's worth the price is always worth the fight
Every second counts 'cause there's no second try

TYPO3 Core Team Member

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