[TYPO3-hci] Extended page/record lookup "window"

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Mon Apr 13 17:43:32 CEST 2009

Steffen Ritter wrote:
> you really should put your efforts in v6 not v4 :)

damn... overlooked it.

I'd like to have:
* replace line 329: substring() chaos with t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs()
* we could display more than 25 characters (i have much space now). other 
possibility could be to have a fixed with of the table column and set 
overflow: hidden
* tooltip of [pid] should display the name of the page where the record is 
located; link should go to list view
* tooltip text for record icon is a bit weird: missing space before id=X - 
would it be possible to have "type-of-record ID: X - click to open..." - 
e.g. "News ID 23 - click to open ..."
* Is the (?) not a bit misleading? I could imagine that some users try to 
use this as [GO] button.
* What about the pagebrowser at the top? This makes browsing easier as it 
stays at the same position.

I know most of the suggestions are my personal flavor and your opinion might 
be different.

If I can do anything, just tell me! I'd sent a new patch (against the newest 
version ;) ).


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