[TYPO3-hci] Is there still a kind of cleaner BE-Project?

Christopher Christopher at temporaryforwarding.com
Wed Nov 12 22:39:36 CET 2008

Hi guys,

I see this list seems not to be very active those days, but I think this is the right place to ask:
There was a team to improve the usability of the backend, the Cleaner Backend-Project.
I think they already did a really great job.

But there are still some issues which were somehow postponed or maybe forgotten(?)
Each one of them is a small change, but I would not see the result as having a small effect: These are th issues that are still missing to make the backend *completely* configurable as you want it to be.

I am thinking of these:

* checkbox "Secondary options" when editing content cannot be hidden
* "Show clipboard" in filelist cannot be hidden
* Same for "Show thumbnails"
* Possibility to hide items in the toolbar at the top (shortcuts, search)
* With shortcuts: Icon "Create shortcut" always visible
* Possibility to hide "Mount as tree root" in context-menu
* Translation of hardcoded labels

and something else:
* new pictures for the manual?!

Kind regards

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