[TYPO3-dam-devel] RFC #10293: Better link title handling in htmlArea RTE

Stanislas Rolland typo3 at sjbr.ca
Fri Feb 6 17:03:03 CET 2009

Hi DAM team,

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Feature

Bugtracker references:


Currently the handling of the title attribute of files linked to in RTE 
is very confusing for editors, because they get three different values, 
one in RTE property window before first save, another one after first 
storage and again another one in FE. Also they are not allowed to change 
the values coming from DAM which might be necessary in certain context.

1. In the FE:
You get either the title that was set in the RTE or, if no title is set, 
the title configured in TS template with values taken from the DAM db.

2. In the RTE:
Let us have a checkbox, on tab "media" of the "Insert/modify link" 
dialogue, that says "I want the title in the FE to be taken from the DAM 
database at the time of rendering".
If you check the checkbox, the RTE will set the title to the current 
value found in the database, and will hide the title input field and 
ignore any value in it.
It will set a custom attribute useDAMColumn to 1 on the generated <a> tag.
Page TSConfig property useDAMColumn.displayItems will be used to 
configure the title the same way as in the FE.
If the checkbox is not set, the title input field is shown, the author 
can override the title, and the custom attribute useDAMColumn is set to 0.
Page TSConfig may be used to set initial value of the checkbox, and 
enforce it if desired (the checkbox is shown, but disabled).
3.On the way to the database:
If the custom attribute useDAMColumn is set to 1, the title is unset on 
the way to the database.
If the custom attribute useDAMColumn is set to 0, the title is set to 
the value supplied by the author.
The following User TSConfig option will be added:
Setting the option will remove the upload tab when browsing media.

Here are the options configurable in Page TSConfig:

RTE.default.buttons.link.media.properties {
     title {
         readOnly = 0/1
         useDAMColumn = 0/1
         useDAMColumn {
             displayItems = _media_type:strtoupper, title, file_name
             checked = 0/1
             enforce = 0/1

Property displayItems is a list of items of the form 
fieldname:format:config where
-fieldname is the name of a column of table tx_dam or one of the special 
names: _media_type, _dimensions and _caption
-format is one of: date, dateage, datetime, time, timesec, year, int, 
float, number, md5, filesize, filesize+bytes, truncate, strtoupper, 
strtolower, shorten
-config is the value to be used by the formating operation, when applicable.

This patch applies to current DAM trunk.
The feature is enabled only with TYPO3 core trunk (4.3-dev).
Installation order is relevant: DAM must be installed after htmlArea RTE.

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