[TYPO3-dam-devel] RFC: #7676: Skin support

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Fri Jun 13 14:21:44 CEST 2008

Hey Dan,

verrry nice work. I like it a lot.

Some remarks:

== All views ==
* In IE 7 everything looks fine (I also applied the other patch of 
yours), however, my other browsers (FF on Linux) display that wrong. So 
I looked in the HTML code and I noticed that inside the template (the 
div#typo3-docbody tag), a whole other HTML-page is rendered there.
* Just create a dam/templates/ directory in the DAM extension and put 
the necessary marker template files in there.

== File module ==
* The buttons on top should be grouped, and should be ordered the same 
way as in the core list and core fileliste module., the Folder icon and 
the folder path should go in the second row.
* List-modfunc => There is a create new folder icon in the table with 
the files, should be removed imho, as it is on top of the frame already.
* Upload-modfunc => There is a "Open in new window" icon, that needs to 
go inside the docheader on the right side of the first row, next to the 
shortcut icon. Then we can get rid of this green row there.

== List module ==
* Can we get the language selector in docheader (like we have when 
editing a document; 2nd row) ?

Other than that, it looks very nice! I like it way better than the 
existing one. I also have the "extract internal CSS to external file" on 
the list, but I think we can take care of that once we have these 
changes in.
Looking forward to the changes! Thanks a lot guys!


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