[TYPO3-dam-devel] RFC #8599: Replace dam extension of tx_rtehtmlarea_browse_links by implementation of interface t3lib_browselinkshook]

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Sat Jun 7 12:41:59 CEST 2008

Hey Stan,

I tried your patch. However, we have to clear up some things...

* Now, with your new file, which files can be deleted (both in the RTE 
mod3 / mod4 directories and in the DAM) ?

* With your new implementation, which checkboxes in the EM need to be 
set and which don't?

* I also changed some code in ext_localconf.php, please see the attached 
patch that should substitute the parts in your patch.

As my test results tell me this:
- Linking to DAM records works like a charm
- Adding images still doesn't work (i expect this to be fixed at a later 

If this all is true (like: fixing images comes later, and you show which 
files we can delete; and Uschi's issues are solved), you got my +1 going!

-------------- next part --------------
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