[TYPO3-dam-devel] Preparing for DAM 1.0.12 release

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Mon Apr 21 10:23:37 CEST 2008

Hi folks,

attached you find a diff of all the changes which have been applied to
DAM_1-0 since we took over (DAM 1.0.11 -> DAM 1.0.12).

None of these changes are features, so we can safely assume that they don't
break anything in a production environment.

Since TYPO3 4.2 is going to be released this week, I would like to ask you
to do the following:

- Release DAM 1.0.12 from the DAM_1-0 branch to TER *
- Write an announcement and probably add some status report to that

- I heard that not only "dam" is broken in TYPO3 4.2 but also
  the "dam_catedit" extension. If this is true that needs to be fixed until
  then of course.

- Also, it needs to be discussed if other dam extensions should be released
  with the new version number or not, even though they don't contain any
  changes. IMHO they should be released too so the whole dam_* set of
  extensions contains the same version number.

I have transferred the TER key of these extensions to Michiel already:
- dam
- dam_catedit
- dam_cron
- dam_demo
- dam_index
- dam_info
- dam_ttcontent

dam_file is still owned by René since it will be obsolete in DAM 1.1. But
how about DAM 1.0? I think that does still need the dam_file extension,
right? If so, I would transfer this key as well of course. Otherwise, let's
just mark it as deprecated (and document it appropriately).

Ready, steady, go! :-)
- michael

* don't forget to update the MD5sums in ext_emconf.php first
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