[TYPO3-dam-devel] RFC: patch dam conflicts / dependencies / sugestions

Peter Kühn peter.kuehn at wmdb.de
Sat Nov 17 13:58:02 CET 2007

Hi yall,

currently mmforeign is still sugested by dam. mmforeign was a hack at a 
point in time and should hopefully no longer be needed.

the attached patch therefor:

- disables mmforeign being sugested
- marks mmforeign as conflict (in fact mmforeign caused a lot of 
problems with other extensions like tt_news and im not 100% shure that 
this has ever being solved)
- marks TYPO3 > 4.1.0 as dependency (to make shure mmforeign is not needed)

pls vote
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Name: dam_dependency_conflicts.fix.patch
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