[TYPO3-dam-devel] DAM 1.1 structure

Peter Kühn peter.kuehn at wmdb.de
Sat Nov 17 13:22:44 CET 2007

Hi yall,

in order to get a full blown working DAM one currently installs 18 
extensions (s details below). ben asked on the t.p.dam list if some 
stuff shouldnt be "assimilated into DAM" and I totally agree with that:
- the current structure is not helpfull for admins who are interested in 
the project.
- additionally im not happy with some of the official states.

1) Suggestions for restructuring
1.1) DAM should no longer suggest mmforeign!!!
please react to my patch RFC in a separate thread.
1.2) ceflexform
should this remain a suggestion?
1.3) integrate dam_act_edittxt into dam
does someone see a reason for a separate extension adding a basic feature?
1.4) integrate dam_index into dam
should be at least a dependency or (if possible and my vote) be 
integrated into dam
1.5) services
we talked about them off list

2) official states:
2.1) div marked alpha (being a dependency!)
ill get in contact with the Extension Coordination Team about that
2.2) dam_ttcontent marked Experimental
allthough its not yet complete "Experimental" sells it at less than fair 
value. suggestion: mark Beta
2.3) dam_info marked stable
did someone get it to do anything?

My suggestion for DAM 1.1 structure would be:

- dam
   - static_info_tables (dependency)
     - div (dependency)
   - dam_ttcontent (suggested)
   - sv_metaexec (suggested)
   - sv_contentextract (suggested)
   - sv_autocat (suggested)

- dam_cron
- dam_catedit
- dam_info

unsupported or no longer needed separately:
- dam_index (integrated into dam, marked depricated)
- dam_act_edittxt (integrated into dam, marked depricated)
- cc_metaexif (integrated into sv_metaexec)
- cc_metaexec (integrated into sv_metaexec)
- cc_meta_xmp (integrated into sv_metaexec)
- cc_txtextexec (integrated into sv_contentextract)
- cc_txtextphp (integrated into sv_contentextract)
- cc_langguess (integrated into sv_autocat)
- cc_textcat (integrated into sv_autocat)

Im not shure about the amount of work that needs to be done to get there 
- coding on the one hand and rewriting documentations (good point 
Georg!) on the other.
If it turns out not to fit into the last discussed schedule i would 
rather like to release later than to release and restructure later on.

eagerly looking foreward to your votes

Details on the current structure
- dam
   - static_info_tables (dependency)
     - div (dependency)
   - mmforeign (suggested)
   - ceflexform (suggested)
- dam_index
- dam_act_edittxt
- dam_catedit
- dam_cron
- dam_info
- dam_ttcontent
- cc_metaexif
- cc_metaexec
- cc_meta_xmp
- cc_txtextexec
- cc_txtextphp
- cc_langguess
- cc_textcat

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