[TYPO3-team-core-v5] Work Package Listing -- Feedback needed

Olivier Dobberkau olivier.dobberkau at dkd.de
Sat Feb 16 23:13:00 CET 2013

Am 16.02.13 22:50, schrieb Sebastian Kurfürst:

> Feedback is very much welcome, we'd like to fine-tune it tomorrow - the
> current state is just a rough prototype and especially the design is
> nowhere near finished. So - if you have some design knowledge and would
> like to work on it - feel free to create a prototype :-)


look at http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4061961 for some idea on how you
could present the different dimensions:

* worktime
* budget
* current status

if you are looking to collect funds for some of the workpackages then
have a look how startnext or kickstarter solves that:



let me know if you need help.


ps: applying for sponsorship might be a bad wording btw... nobody likes
to apply for something. :-)

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