[TYPO3-workflow] Workflow and TV

Paolo Nugnes paolonu at libero.it
Fri Jan 12 12:25:08 CET 2007

Hi there,

After installing the sys_workflow-2.6.0-beta20060621 and 
gabriel-1.0.0-beta20060119 i tried to use the workflow module in 
conjunction with TemplaVoilà, but it still asked me for the old Page 
Module (web_layout).
Further, even if i try to modify records with an user i assigned the 
task to (e.g. "target" user), the  web_layout module (that i 
re-activated from TV installation) doesn't recognize the record to modify.
Not even if the record to change is a page.

Any clue about it?

Ask, if i didn't explain well, and i'll give you more explanation about it.

Thx Exerybody
Paolo Nugnes

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