[TYPO3-v4] TCA Valueslider Wizard

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Tue Mar 15 10:05:17 CET 2011


Am 15.03.2011 09:11, schrieb Ernesto Baschny [cron IT]:
> Tolleiv.Nietsch schrieb am 14.03.2011 21:03:
>> Am 14.03.2011 18:30, schrieb Ernesto Baschny [cron IT]:
>>> Now that's in the core, this is *the API* and noone needs to feel the
>>> need to risk their stable extensions by depending on some third party
>>> extension which has an unclear future.
>> Sorry I've to disagree - it's just a feature which you can turn on/off
>> if needed, it's not an API.
> The TCA for me is an "API", even if its just an array. The Core API
> documentation defines what keys and values are available.

right. Rest of the API is in extMgm for adding/extending. Why is loadTCA 
in t3liv_div? :)

> I understand and I agree with you that at some point in time we should
> try to outsource more and more "optional" components to external
> extensions, but without any working concept ("A-class extensions",
> "Incubation", "Core Extensions in TER" ...) around it, it cannot happen.

well - it reminds me to a component we really need in tceforms:
Image component
It's such complicate to have multiple images with captions, widths, 
etc., so a "wizard" could help displaying each image with all his 
I will ask the design team to make a suggestion for it.

vg Steffen

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