[TYPO3-v4] TCA Valueslider Wizard

Tolleiv Nietsch info at tolleiv.de
Tue Mar 15 10:00:15 CET 2011


Am 15.03.2011 09:11, schrieb Ernesto Baschny [cron IT]:
> That's a good thing here. We won't get "rid" of it, and people *can*
> depend on that. That's not bad. Imagine a TER extension where you don't
> know if it will still be there 2 months from now (after for example a
> security issue)?

Come on - even in the Core we have less "maintained" parts and some 
extensions have equally active contributors. People know that an 
extensions maintained by a Core member might still get the attention it 

> I understand and I agree with you that at some point in time we should
> try to outsource more and more "optional" components to external
> extensions, but without any working concept ("A-class extensions",
> "Incubation", "Core Extensions in TER" ...) around it, it cannot happen.

The problem is once we have it in the Core, how would we ever move it 
back to an extension - people would have to install these extensions to 
keep their "known" features and due to the fact that it moved to an 
extension the "API" ;) might change a bit too. So once it's in the Core 
the way "back" get's much harder.

Maybe we should put that incubator/A-class thing on the list for the 
T3DD11 meeting, it pops up far too often to skip it.

Anyways - I'd prefer not to heat up this discussion too much. The slider 
is a good idea and hopefully it will be used more often than the 
colorpicker ;)


Tolleiv Nietsch
www.tolleiv.de - www.aoemedia.de

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