[TYPO3-v4] TYPO3 4.6 Ideas: Module reordering

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Tue Jun 14 10:00:09 CEST 2011

Kay Strobach schrieb am 11.06.2011 11:12:
> He,
> i dislike the idea.
> I have enough customers, which have problems when the module order is
> not the same like it is in the manual :( - know that that should be a
> problem - but there still some people having problems with that ;)
> Perhaps we should make it similar to the tcemain fields and add an
> options like:
>  - top
>  - before modulename1,modulename2, ...
>  - center
>  - after  modulename1,modulename2, ...
>  - bottom
> This way the extension author is able to define the order a bit more in
> detail ;)

This is how it is (more or less) right now. The problem is:

a) if multiple modules want "top", it depends on the order of loading of
extensions. This lead to the confusion in 4.5: old school "hard coded"
modules are now registering for "top", and depending how they are
installed, the order changes (from one installation to the other)

b) the "before:xyz" is not really helpful if the module "xyz" comes from
an extension that is not even installed. For example "Workspaces"
registers itself as "before:info", which was nice until 4.4 because
"info" was always there (hardcoded in the core). Now its an optional
sysext, so what to do if "Info" is not installed? => Currently
Workspaces is then placed at the end.

So the "new concept" should cope with these facts.

I would like to see the following "rules" being followed for new concepts:

1) if two installation have the same extensions installed (regardless of
their loading order) => the modules list is exactly the same (in the
same order)

2) extension developers should be allowed to place their module in the
module's menu in a consistent, deterministic and understandable rule-set
(not by manipulating some "array")

3) a site integrator *might* be able to further "manipulate" the order
of modules (overwriting the wishes from extension developers) thought a
consistent (maybe the same?) API, but this should be given lowest
priority, as usually it causes more confusion amongst the editor than helps.

I have no idea of a good concept yet, but as soon as there is one, it
might also be helpful for other places where we use the "before/after"
syntax until now. :)


> Regards
> Kay
> Am 17.03.2011 17:24, schrieb Patrick Gaumond:
>> On 2011-03-17 09:07, Xavier Perseguers wrote:
>>>> On 17-3-2011 13:40, Xavier Perseguers wrote:
>>>>> Concept of Module reordering.
>>>> I never had a client request to change the order of elements in the left
>>>> side menu. I personally would give it a very low priority.
>>> This might pop up (or not) after the concept of role and thus trimming
>>> down the list of modules is possible.
>> Low priority, I agree. Revisit this later after Roles is a good approach.
>> Patrick

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