[TYPO3-v4] [TYPO3-core] Maintain and fix compatibility for headline rendering

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Wed Aug 10 08:19:47 CEST 2011

Steffen Müller schrieb am 09.08.2011 14:18:
> Hi.
> On 09.08.2011 10:37 François Suter wrote:
>> The breaking change is out there and I'm sure many people have adapted
>> to it (I did).
> May I disagree?
> We should consider that people act different to how we did.
> For example not updating to 4.5.4 because they heard about a breaking
> change and expect too much hassle. Maybe they even expect a regression
> release in near future, because there have been very few breaking
> changes within patch releases in the past. I know, from security
> point-of-view acting like this is brainless, but could sound pretty
> pragmatic to people which act out of habit. And I bet there are a lot
> out there.
> So finding a fix for it imho still makes sense.

A post-fix in 4.5.5 would be a good indicator that the core team does
care as much as backwards compatibility as for security. This is
especially important for web hosters (which want to automatically
upgrade hundrets of installations at once) and bigger agencies (which
have several dozens installations on customer sites where the side
effects of this fix would have had to be tested for some time before
applying the fix in the production site).

I also think that there are people that haven't upgraded yet due to lack
of time/money to do the proper QA on this particular patch.

The problem now is that this post-fix would have to cope with both
situations: people that have already upgraded and adapted their code,
and people that haven't.


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