[TYPO3-v4] Mr. Jenkins will complain about CGL issues

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Thu Apr 21 14:31:04 CEST 2011

Stefano Kowalke schrieb am 21.04.2011 14:04:
> Hey,
> i just testing a little bit and stumbled over the fact, that it is (as I
> know so far) not possible to work with threshold in our environment.
> Let me explain a little bit deeper:
> Currently I enabled all sniffs where I didn't found any false postive
> violations. As result we got a very high (over 50000) violations in the
> core (which is correct).
> I configured this amount as default for checkstyle plugin and that it
> complains about every new violation found when building the core.
> _but_
> If someones patch fixed 120 violations [1], the
> violations reported as fixed, but they are there again (and marked as
> new), if someone push another patch afterwards (without the violation
> fix) to gerrit [2], because the patch is still in review state and not
> merged with the source code in repository.
> Codestyle plugin calculates the new violations from the delta value of a
> the last stable build. What we need is a defined reference build from
> where the plugin calculates the new violations. But this feature isn't
> there at the moment (I ask the author of checkstyle plugin by mail)
> My solution:
> I enable only those sniffs, whithout any known violations in the core.
> The we have to clean up the core piece by piece and enable more and more
> sniffs.
> How does this sound for you?

Sounds like a great plan!

Is Mr. Jenkins building every release (also 4.3, 4.4, 4.5) separately?
Should we try to clean CGL in this code-base too, in order to gain the
benefit of new clean code?

There are several deprecated classes and code which isn't really "worth"
cleaning up. Maybe there's a way of signaling Mr. Jenkins path pattern
exceptions so that we can skip those ancient garbage that we still need
to ship in 4.5?


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