[TYPO3-v4] Change of labels in 4-5

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Fri Oct 29 09:16:12 CEST 2010

JoH asenau schrieb am 29.10.2010 09:00:
>> if there are some guidelines, it would be easier to help - if help is
>> needed 
> Take this as a draft:
> http://forge.typo3.org/projects/hci/wiki/Rearranged_page_editing_form

I started a "new draft" based on your brainstorming wiki page:


This should go straight to the point of recommendations for extension
developers (and us core developers) so they can decide on how to arrange
their fields.

As far as I recall, still missing is information about:

* The conventions for labels (e.g. "no ':' after the label" and the use
of upper/lowercase in english)
* The concept behind the "sentences" used to describe the "action" of a
checkbox ("This field [ ] Disable" and "This behaviour [ ] Activate"
instead of "Disable this field [ ]")
* The title strategy ("topic > field > action" or something)

Joey, could you please review it, and maybe add some more information?



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