[TYPO3-v4] Announcing TYPO3 4.4.0RC2

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Mon Jun 21 17:25:24 CEST 2010

>>> Thanks. It's looking great.
>>>> The final version will be released this Tuesday, June 22nd.
>>> Isn't that a bit too fast? Wouldn't it better to give a RFC at
>>> least one week for testing?
>> i agree,one day is too less for testing. There are some issues that
>> should be solved for the final also. Benni?
> What issues do you have in mind? If it's just small things, maybe it's
> possible to fix them easily.

Well - there are still some blockers for IE - especially IE6.

We already removed most of the JS errors that prevented the BE from working in IE at all.

Currently I am trying to make the system at least usable in IE6, because the performance is far from being acceptable.
Some of the forms take 30+ seconds to render (loading is done faster) due to heavy use of ExtJS and other JS based features.

I already made a patch (#14808) that makes the rendering of forms with datepickers and resizable textareas about 4 times faster, but there are still some other issues that make the BE ridiculously slow while working with IE6 on an average VBox with 1CPU at 2GHz and WinXP. htmlareaRTE for example is a real PITA.

So I guess we might not be ready for a final release yet.

Just my 2 cents


Wenn man keine Ahnung hat: Einfach mal Fresse halten!
(If you have no clues: simply shut your gob sometimes!)
Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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