[TYPO3-v4] Improvements to t3lib_formmail / Status of FORM content element

Georg Ringer mail at ringerge.org
Fri Jul 30 08:10:29 CEST 2010


are there any plans for improvements of t3lib_formmail which is (mainly)
used to send mails of the core form content element?

I could imagine to have following change / features
- Updated default template
- Insert a hook to have a chance to change everything like the texts or
template [*1]
- Differernt Template for recipient copy
- Possibility to save mails [*1]
- Anything else?

I know there are a lot of other mail extensions like powermail but in
many cases the default one would be enough if it could be just a bit nicer.

There are alraedy some exts in TER which deal with my mentioned features:
[*1] julle_form2csv using a hook in tslib_fe, pk_save_form_mail using xclass

I know that there have been plans for a new form element but I don't the
status or if it has completly cancelled?

So what is your opinion?

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