[TYPO3-v4] simple.htaccess and advanced.htaccess

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Thu Aug 26 13:46:48 CEST 2010

Hi Ingmar,

>> IMHO every project should have a separate project. This especially
>> applies to the extension projects. Currently they all share one huge
>> repository altogether, which is bad IMHO...
> I don't see a big problem with it. The reason for having a limited
> number of repositories was to make it easier to administrate.

I don't think so, and I'm having separated repositories on a Redmine
site, too. IMHO there are only drawbacks when using a single repository.

But, unfortunately, I assume it's too late to change this now...

> Anyway, Redmine has no problem to display a subfolder within a
> repository (as it does with all the extensions for example), so that's
> no problem.

OK, that's good.

>> Yes, not quite perfect. I would prefer to have this public.
> OK, then just call it team resources, and still make it a sub-project of
> the v4 Core project.

If the team is called "resources" then what repository should it use? If
we use the "Packaging" repository for that, it kindof restricts the
"resources" repository to this topic.

- michael

PS: Sebastian asked to be in CC. Don't forget to include him when

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