[TYPO3-mvc] Re: Create predefined fe_groups when activating extension

NGUYEN Duc Quan quan at apart.lu
Wed Dec 2 09:35:52 CET 2015

Hi David,

yes, that's exactly what I want. I am currently struggling with where and how to create the groups beforehand.

Chris suggested this:

that should be possible.
you can fill the mysql-tables as you want.
as the usergroup-table 'fe_groups' already exists, you will not have to create a database-scheme for it but generate some insert-queries in your plugin/extension.
in the ext_tables.sql (watch the extension, there is a php as well as a .sql-extension) you can put some insert-statements in.
problem may be to realize the uid of those generated records, as they are set from system without your influence.
If you have the chance to empty the table first and know the next given (auto-)index of 'uid', you can assign that uid to the users as group coming later. may be you can alter the scheme first to set the next autoindex-number as well (MySQL) after emptying.


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