[TYPO3-mvc] N:M Relation with Attributes IRRE

Sebastian B sebastian.gfx at gmx.de
Tue Mar 11 17:07:34 CET 2014

Hi there,

first of all I am quite new to Extbase and just tried to write a simple Extension. So please don't be too rude ;)
To be honest, i just tried to copy this tutorial with N:M Relations with attributes and failed:

At first, the relations seem to be correct in the database and the backend looks fine. So far, so good.
But now, when I try to output my Companies/Employees ( via Plugin / Controller -> repository->findAll() ) I get an weird SQL Error:
The SQL Statement seems to lookup the column from the intermediate table in die company table.

So the error the statement produces looks like:
#1247602160: Unknown column 'company.person' in 'where clause': SELECT company.* FROM company WHERE company.person = '2

I tried a lot of different tutorials for these N:M Relations with attributes now, but it's always the same... the backend looks nice, the database looks nice, but the front-end Error is always the same...

Can anyone of you see, what I might be doing wrong or where the problem might be ? I just created minimal Domain Models with the extension_builder for company and person.. then just copied the code from the tutorial into the pretty standard setup.. so i can't really imagine where such an error could come from :(

I have the feeling that somehow Extbase skips the intermediate table on the request. What makes no sense, since the other way around, when setting/writing the relations into the database it works fine...

Anyways, Thanks in advance,
that random desperate guy

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